
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011

Antônio de Nazareth Frazão Tavernard (October 10 , 1908)-(May 2, 1936) .

Antônio Tavernard was born in October 10, 1908, at Siqueira Mendes street, 585, in Vila de São João do pinheiro, nowadays known as Icoaraci. His father, othílio Tavernard worked at Santa Casa de Misericordia, and at “A Província do Pará” as redactor, his mother, Marieta Frazão Tavernerd, was a housekeeper. His family moved to the capita city, Belém, settling down at “Coselheiro Furtado” avenue with “Generalíssimo Deodoro” in a place named for them as “Retiro São Benedito”.

Antônio Tavernard got his primary school at “Externato Santa Mônica”; later he got into the “Ginásio Paraense” (Paes de Carvalho) where the poet studied the humanity course. When he was nineteen he got second position in a national short story concourse supported by a magazine named “primeira”.

In 1925 Tavernaed finished the high school, and got into the “Facudade de Direito do Pará” (the Pará Law faculty), where he got “hanseníase” (leprosy), the sickness that leaded him to the death on Mai 2, 1936.

Antonio Tavernard was compositor, dramaturge, journalist and poet.



  • Fêmea
  • Os Sacrificados
  • Misticos e Barbaros (1953, pothumous)


  • A Casa da Viúva Costa
  • A Menina dos 20 mil
  • Seringuadela

Musical production:

  • Foi Boto Sinhá
  • Romance
  • Matinta-pereira
  • Hino do clube do Remo

Antônio Tavernard born in a period of time that Belém, the capital of Pará, usually be involved in a mystical atmosphere because of the “Círio de Nararé”, the biggest ecumenical-religious festival of the world that is considered the “paraense” Christmas. Because of this, the tony’s father (tony is short for Antonio) decided to name his little boy, Antonio de Nazareth Frazão Tavernard, maybe foreseeing the short and painful life of his son.

At that time Belém was a quiet and bohemia city, a place where the neighbors talked with each other, the friends always meet each other to declaim poems. The families always opened the door for friends, and every October days the backyard was the place to celebrate the “Círio”, “São João”, “Carnaval” or anything else.

When Antonio Tavernard was eighteen he fell sick. After a little while the doctors discovered that he had got leprosy and there was no cure for this kind of sickness at that time. So there was all over, his youth, health and his brilliant future. He had to abandon the faculty and to isolate himself at a chalet named “Rancho Fundo” (deep cabin). The house and the chalet were linked by a string that had a bell in its end, and unfortunately the bell rang for the last time in May 2, 1936. But the consciousness of his new sad situation let Antonio Tavernard to work as if each day was the last one, and before the end of his life his literary work was incredibly beautiful.

Antônio Tavernard started publishing when he studied at “Ginásio Paes de Carvalho”, he published for GPC news paper that was a school press well known among the students in that days. He was one of redactors of the “A Semana”, a very important magazine at 1930’s, in Belém.

Antonio Tavernard converted his own prison in a particular world where he worked his contrastive feelings; he was always helped by his mother who took news paper, magazine and paper to him. But he was not abandoned by his true friends, and he got more of them who rounded his bed, playing, singing and declaiming with him during the time that preceded his advanced healthless estate.

Many people come to see face to face that so brilliant spirit, that even though be confined in a little room, was a cooperator for almost all national press.

Once, Paschoal Carlos Magno, the intellectual who was visiting the capital, decided to know Antônio Tavernard and it would have been a saying by the visitor: it is a pleaser to know the new “Machado de Assis”, it would have been answered by Tavernard: less talent and more pain.

Antônio Tavernad and Waldemar Henrique had never been together at the same place, but through a friend (Fernando Castro, his partner in “A Menina dos 20 mil”), they worked together at “Foi Boto sinhá” and “Matinta-pereira”.

(Antônio Tavernard)

Nasci em frente ao mar.
Meu primeiro vagido
misturou-se ao fragor do seu bramido

Tenho a vida do mar!
Tenho a alma do mar!

A mesma inquietude indefinível,
que nele é onda, e é em mim anseio,
faz-nos tremer, faz-nos fremir, faz-nos vibrar.
Às vezes, creio
que da minha loucura do impossível
sofre também o mar.
Tenho a sua amplidão iluminada
- o meu amor; e seu velário de brumas
- minha mágoa.
Ruge a tormenta... E o que ele faz com a frágua:
embates colossais,
faço com a minha fé petrificada...
té que tudo se extingue em turbilhões de espumas
e de lágrimas... Destinos abismais!...

Guarda em si tempestades que estraçoam,
Cóleras formidáveis em mim guardo...
Sobre o meu pensamento, idéias voam,
voam alciões sobre o seu dorso pardo...

Meu gigantesco irmão,
Senhor do cataclismo,
se tens, por coração, um negro abismo,
eu tenho, por abismo, um coração.
Dentro de ti, quantos naufrágios, quantos,
de naves rotas pelos vendavais?!...
E, dentro de mim, sob aguaçais de prantos,
quantos naufrágios, quantos, quantos,
de sonhos, de ilusões e de ideais?!...

Faço trovas a alguém que não posso beijar
tal como tu, na angústia de querê-las
sem as poder tocar,
fazes, nas noites brancas de luar,
serenatas inúteis às estrelas...

Sou bem fraco, porém, e tu és forte...
Nada te vencerá, há de vencer-me a morte...
Embora!... Mar morto, água dormida
que por mais nada nem de leve ondeia,
hei de deixar meus versos pela vida,
como tu deixas âmbar pela areia!...


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Categorias: Literatura brasileira de expressão amazônica | Poetas do Pará | Dramaturgos do Brasil | Naturais de Belém

• Enzo Carlo Barrocco

Extraído de "Tavernard, Pássaro Doente" do seu "Recanto das Letras"

• Benilton Cruz

Extraído de seu "Mente, Poeta (Consideraçoes sobre o poeta Antonio Tavenard)"

• Wikipédia
Extraído da Eniclopédia livre de Antonio Tavenard
• Carlos Correia Santos
Extraído do seu "Comentario sobre a obra de Antonio Tavernard", no portal Janela Cultural e no link direto da revista, edição 108: (páginas 36, 37 e 38).

Por Carlos Correia Santos*

*CARLOS CORREIA SANTOS é pesquisador e escritor premiado nacionalmente, autor, dentre outras obras, das peças "Nu Nery", "Ópera Profano" e do romance "Velas na Tapera".